Friday, March 16, 2007

23 Random Thoughts

1) March, 2007. I can’t believe 2 months has already passed since new years! Kinda get the feeling the first half of this year is gonna fly by – especially with all the public holidays coming up – not that I’m complaining!
2) Summer is over – hello autumn! Falling leaves…browns, reds, oranges and yellows – wheeeeeeee!! Soon its gonna be time to pull out the jackets and boots – and go shopping for more jackets and boots! Mmmm…marshmallows and hot chocolate…sitting by fires…snuggled in bed when its pouring outside…
3) “When the oceans rise and thunders roar…I will soar with you above the storm…Father you are king over the flood…I will be still, know you are God”
4) I’m going to be an aunty again!
5) Had an interesting conversation with my uncle…every time my “year” comes around (year of the dog) – ie. when I’m 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72 years old - life will have changed a whole lot…
6) Apparently 50 is the new 30!
7) Tiffany’s just increased their prices – whats with that?!
8) According to Dave, going to gym is a “social thing” I’d revel in…hmm…so I tried it out and yeah – it is, it IS!
9) Can’t believe this time last week I was about to head to Jan Juc for the long weekend – time flies…
10) Finally had my facial after 7 weeks of waiting! Was totally worth it though!
11) Question: Is trust earned or given? And how about respect? Is it earned or given? So many differing opinions…
12) What have I learnt? Well where do you want me to start?
13) Its awesome how I’m granted my heart’s desires…time and time again!
14) I got into work to find 3 emails from people I hadn’t heard from in ages – its the best start to the day!
15) Tuesday afternoon tram ride thought – “I can’t look past it”…"Its not all that superficial”…"Its coz we’re like that too”
16) Don’t assume: it makes an ASS out of U and ME
17) MATT…thanks for the email….and to everyone else I haven’t replied yet – soon soon! By next week – I promise!
18) Morning thought: compassion sponsorship is $40 a month…I could have sponsored another child for the next 2 years plus more…I think back to last week’s conversation about working, and money, and spending, and saving etc…what now?
19) Settle down, not settle…
20) “I understand”… I really DO…its ok…
21) Compassionate…gracious…faithful and true…abounding in love...mighty…righteous…I could go on…and on…and on…
22) THANKYOU for the panda…its sitting on my desk…always bringing a smile!
23) Only another 2 weeks until I know whether I got fined or not…I hate waiting…and speed cameras!

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